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Davidoff Espresso 57 whole bean coffee 500g
Twinings English Breakfast in tin 500g
Twinings Earl Grey Tin 500g
Twinings Lady Grey in tins 500g
Davidoff Cafe Crema Elegant whole bean coffee 500g
Van Houten Kakao in a decorative can 460g
BROLIŲ MEDUS The honey of autumn flowers 500g
BROLIŲ MEDUS Summer blossom honey 500g
SKANOVE Raspberry tea 300g
SKANOVE Lemon tea with pine buds 300g
SKANOVE Ginger tea 300g
SKANOVE Black currant tea with mint extract and honey 300g
SKANOVE Sea buckthorn and ginger tea 300g
SKANOVE Sea buckthorn tea 300g
SKANOVE Quince tea 300g
DZIUGAS Hard cheese Gourmet, 36-month-ripened 350g
DZIUGAS Gourmet Souvenir Set: Hard Cheese 360g